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Saige's Beachy Collection

Silversmith// @saigepope_


What inspired this collection?

I love being warm and really don’t like being cold so naturally I decided to do a beach collection of things that have that vibe!

Tell us about yourself! What do you do outside of Gem Studio?

I don't really have a life outside of gem, jk;) i love hanging out with my friends and meeting new people! I am also a huge fan of traveling and road trips.

What else are you passionate about?

This probably sounds super cheesy but I am super passionate about being a good sister to my siblings. I try to take them on dates once a week and let them know i adore them:)

What is currently playing on your Spotify?

any music and i’m satisfied! I'm not picky, I will probably like anything.

What do you want to manifest in your life over the next year?

new friends! I love meeting new people so come visit me at the gem!

What is your favorite gem, and why?

10000% Larimar because it’s so pretty and looks like the ocean (which really inspired the beach collection)

What is your favorite part of the silversmithing process?

definitely when all the solder melts at the same time because it’s so satisfying.

What are your plans after high school?

I want to go into healthcare! not exactly sure what but i want to help improve people’s lives.

What is your favorite gem studio memory?

i don’t have one! one of my favorites is when we have dance parties after long shifts!

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